Polynomial functors: a general framework for induction and substitution The starting point for this tutorial will be the Seely correspondence between (extensional) dependent type theory and locally cartesian closed categories, such as the category of sets. Under this correspondence, polynomial functors provide semantics for generic data types, and their initial algebras provide semantics for W-types (wellfounded trees). While trees in this approach are defined inductively, it is also possible to define trees combinatorially, directly as certain multivariate polynomial endofunctors. This leads to an alternative characterisation of initial algebras, namely as operations for the free monad on a polynomial endofunctor. The monad itself has important structure not seen at the level of initial algebras, namely the monad multiplication, which always encodes a notion of subtitution. I will finish with some outlook regarding the role of polynomial monads (which are essentially operads) to encode and manipulate combinatorial and algebraic structures, and the need for groupoids and higher groupoids to really unleash the power of this formalism -- also in intensional type theory.